Our Shining Stars


Asher, 11 yrs-old, is at the center of a multifaceted family situation, navigating the complexities of divorce, remarriage, and his stepfather's battle with brain cancer. Born into a family with two younger half-siblings from his stepfather's previous marriage, Asher and his brother Jonah have faced numerous challenges from early childhood, including developmental delays necessitating Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) since preschool.

Nicole recognizes the urgent need for Asher to receive comprehensive diagnostic testing to better understand and address his unique needs. She believes that a precise diagnosis will not only facilitate tailored support but also empower Asher to embrace his identity and navigate his educational journey with confidence. Moreover, she seeks financial assistance to provide Asher with access to specialized education, such as enrollment at Gateway, where he can receive the individualized attention and support necessary for his academic and social growth.

In essence, Asher's story reflects resilience amidst adversity, underscored by a mother's unwavering determination to ensure her son's well-being and success despite significant challenges.