Our Shining Stars

Children who learn or behave differently from the parameters of a typical child need an evaluation and the resources to help them thrive in school, home, and other environments. However, getting this evaluation to offer the right help is often delayed or not pursued when there is a financial constraint or not enough evidence to support the need for testing... and so their learning, self-confidence, and well-being are all at risk. Our foundation allows families to have their children evaluated without these burdens so the appropriate support and better understanding of their needs can be given in all aspects of their life.



Shining Stars Scholarship Recipients


 Penelope is 4 years old and was born prematurely with intestinal abnormalities. She underwent surgery immediately after being born, had most of her small intestines removed, and was diagnosed with a rare lifelong disease called Short Bowel Syndrome. For 3 years she relied on getting her nutrients through an implanted IV. This intravenous line prevented Penelope from doing typical physical activities that would interfere with the IV line, such as playing in dirt, sand, exercising, etc. The overabundance of restrictions caused her to have a variety of developmental delays, particularly with gross motor and feeding skills.

 In 2021 Penelope had her central line removed, but her delays remained. Penelope's gross motor skills are still very delayed and she struggles with mood swings and difficulty with transitions. Since starting at OT Studio, she has made leaps and bounds in overcoming some of her sensory aversions. She started preschool in the fall and can often be seen getting dirty in the sand and water with her friends! Her insurance is no longer covering her sessions at OT Studio and her single-income family will not be able to continue her necessary therapy without assistance. Thank you.


Osmani has always loved building and creating with conventional and unconventional materials. He is curious and likes to figure things out on his own. He takes a long time to warm up to people and is reluctant to answer questions with words when they come from someone other than Mom or Dad.  Due to the pandemic, Osmani spent kindergarten on the computer. When he went to school in person in first grade towards the middle of the year we started getting complaints from school about him not being able to handle large emotions, being physically aggressive towards other kids, not being able to sit on the rug, and hiding under the tables. These struggles have continued into second grade, with him being escalated for long periods of time, damaging his social relationships and interfering with his and other students’ learning. 

 We started working with OT Studio for sensory integration. We felt so excited and relieved that there was something, not involving medication that could be done to support Osmani to be more regulated at school. We strongly believe that all aspects of OT are important for proper functioning in the place kids spent the most time, school. Most schools are not equipped with the personnel or training to support those kids who need extra practice in the areas OT supports. 

 I feel very supported by OT Studio, encouraging me to advocate at Osmani’s school, helping with accountability for in-school accommodations, and attending school meetings, in addition to the regular therapy sessions and home program. I am confident with consistent OT and the right accommodations at school, Osmani will be able to regulate his emotions, build positive social relationships with adults and his peers, as well as meet academic goals.

 As a family of 4 with incomes from a public-school teacher and a restaurant employee, we are stretched thin to cover our basic expenses. Without this grant, we would not be able to afford OT. Osmani would not be able to access this critical care that will allow him to be successful in school, making an enormous impact on his self-esteem and educational future. Thank you for your support!


Ethan is 9 years old and struggles with some fine motor skills, auditory/visual sensitivities, and the ability to regulate his body at appropriate times. He's been working at OT Studio and I believe it's been helping.

 He seems more confident and able to use his words more often when feeling dysregulated.  I think OT is important because it's helping him to filter out things that make him uncomfortable, and in turn he's expressing himself with more self-control. This helps him in general, with social, emotional, and academic skills. As well as helping lower our entire family’s stress level incredibly.

 The results we've seen so far have been positive, and we really hope to continue so that he can continue to improve filtering things that make him uncomfortable.  Getting this type of support is very expensive and we are grateful your grant makes it possible to continue. Thank you.


Elena is our quiet, easygoing middle child. She loves music and studies both vocal and instrumental music.  Elena has difficulties with visual-motor integration, sequential memory, and sensory processing.

We sought OT after noticing that Elena struggled to complete homework in a timely manner, seemed clumsy, and had difficulty memorizing music.  Learning about OT has helped us gain an understanding of areas where our children need extra support in their skill development, especially things that tend to be overlooked in a classroom setting but are nonetheless vital to success in the school environment. 

In her time working with OT Studio, Elena has bolstered her fine motor skills, which has allowed her to become a much more comfortable and confident writer.  Her overall physical coordination is improved; we no longer notice her being clumsy.  Elena truly enjoys her time at OT Studio, and we are happy to see how much her skills have improved and how this has allowed her to be more confident in her approach to school, music, and life in general.

We were excited to hear about the Interactive Metronome intervention and feel it could be very beneficial for Elena.  However, it would be cost prohibitive for us without assistance.  The financial support of the grant is what will make this program possible for our family. Thank you.


Rezki is 13 years old, a lover of Legos, board games, and fluent in French. In kindergarten his teachers noticed him struggling with attention and being irritated with things that did not bother other children. Since then, Rezki has been working with OT Studio and supported at home through many sensory integration activities.

Over the years with OT, Rezki has made improvements in his sensitivity to sounds, textures, and smells. He no longer chews on his sleeves, touches things impulsively, and can focus on instruction better. Once the family started implementing activities recommended, Rezki became able to control his desire for sensory input and began reaching out in more appropriate ways. He has been learning to advocate for himself by communicating and identifying his feelings better. Getting ready for the coming transition to high school. Thank you for supporting Rezki’s needs in this process.