About Growing Healthy Seasons

Growing Healthy Seasons stands as a beacon of hope and support for neurodiverse individuals and their families. As an evidence-based clinical therapy practice, they have cultivated a team of over 80 dedicated therapists who are committed to fostering growth, understanding, and empowerment. At the core of their philosophy lies a profound belief in the power of tailored approaches, recognizing that each individual's path to wellness is as unique as their fingerprint.

In the vibrant tapestry of human neurology, Growing Healthy Seasons sees not differences to be corrected, but variations to be celebrated. They champion neurodiversity, creating an inclusive environment where every journey is honored, and every individual is embraced for who they are. This approach doesn't just acknowledge diversity; it actively fosters a space where diverse neurological makeups are seen as valuable contributions to the human experience. Most notable is their underlying philosophy and application of The STAR Treatment Approach.

The STAR Treatment Approach

Growing Healthy Seasons sets itself apart through its dedication to the STAR Treatment Model, a comprehensive and intensive therapy approach developed by the STAR Institute for Sensory Processing. This model, grounded in sensory integration principles, offers a "Burst Model" of therapy that has shown remarkable benefits for individuals with Sensory Processing Differences (SPD).

The STAR Treatment Approach at Growing Healthy Seasons involves:

  • Intensive Therapy Sessions: Families can participate in therapy up to 5 times a week for 4-6 weeks, allowing for rapid progress and deep engagement with the therapeutic process.

  • Multi-Disciplinary Support: A team of experts collaborates to address various aspects of development, including motor coordination, language development, feeding challenges, social connection, and independence in daily living skills.

  • Advanced Certification: Growing Healthy Seasons' therapists are certified as Advanced Mentored Clinicians by the STAR Institute, ensuring the highest standard of care.

  • Family-Centered Care: Parents and caregivers are actively involved in the therapy process, facilitating long-term success and empowering families with knowledge and skills.

  • Comprehensive Support: From initial assessment to post-therapy online support, Growing Healthy Seasons provides a complete care journey for each client.

Serving Neurodiverse Children and Adults

Growing Healthy Seasons opens its doors wide to serve neurodiverse individuals across the lifespan. Their services cater to:

  1. Children: From infants to adolescents, helping young minds navigate developmental challenges and discover their unique strengths.

  2. Adults: Supporting grown individuals in their continued journey of self-discovery, skill development, and life navigation.

  3. Families: Offering guidance, education, and support to create nurturing environments that celebrate neurodiversity.

Their comprehensive range of services addresses various developmental areas, including gross and fine motor skills, sensory integration, speech and language development, feeding therapy, and social skills enhancement.

Neurodiverse-Affirming Therapy Services Anywhere

Growing Healthy Seasons provides therapy services through two primary channels:

  1. In-Person Clinics: With multiple locations across Northern California, clients can access state-of-the-art facilities and hands-on care from expert therapists.

  2. Online Therapy: Leveraging technology to break down geographical barriers, Growing Healthy Seasons offers online therapy services throughout the United States, ensuring that distance is no obstacle to receiving high-quality, specialized care.

Through their dedication to neurodiverse-affirming, evidence-based practices, and commitment to accessible, personalized care, Growing Healthy Seasons continues to nurture growth, foster understanding, and illuminate the unique potential within every individual they serve.

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